Ideal for effective decontamination of apparatus, reagents, and " Sars-Covid viruses" using a high-quality UV 254nm frequency lamp with timer control.
Lab Companion™ UVC-01, UV Sterilization Cabinet, 120vProduct no.: AAHB4003U"Our 44th Year of Competitive Pricing" Ask for a quote for further discounting
Old price
You save $224.40
Delivery weight: 41 lb
Lab Companion™ UVC-11, UV Sterilization Cabinet, 120vProduct no.: AAHB4013U"Our 44th Year of Competitive Pricing" Ask for a quote for further discounting
Old price
You save $270.00
Delivery weight: 48 lb
Lab Companion™ UVC-21, UV Sterilization Cabinet, 120vProduct no.: AAHB4023U"Our 44th Year of Competitive Pricing" Ask for a quote for further discounting
Old price
You save $299.80
Delivery weight: 55 lb
Benchmark B1450 UV Clave™ Ultraviolet Chamber (For Research Use Only), 120vProduct no.: B1450"Our 42nd Year of Competitive Pricing"
Old price
You save $68.20
Delivery weight: 11 lb